Clinics We Offer

Cervical Screening Tests
The Langton Medical Group offer cervical screening tests according to the national cervical screening program. At present, all women over the age of 25 years will be offered a screening test every three years until the age of 50 at which point testing is offered five yearly, as long as previous results have been negative. All women patients are encouraged to take advantage of this service. Test results are posted to patients from the laboratory as soon as they are available.
To find out more, click here to view the NHS National Cervical Cancer Screening Programme

Child Health Clinics
The Primary Health Care team of doctors and nurses offer a full immunisation and child development programme.
A baby clinic is held each Thursday morning from 9.30 till 11.30am at our main surgery in Lichfield.

Contraception & Sexual Health
The Langton Medical Group can provide the full range of contraception methods including coil fitting and fitting of contraceptive implants. We are aware of the importance of good sexual health, can provide advice about most sexual health matters, and can also offer basic screening for infection if appropriate. The importance of confidentiality in all age groups is recognised and you can be assured that any advice that you receive will be given in the knowledge of your medical history. Post coital contraception (including the morning after pill) is provided as an emergency service.

Long Term Illness Management
Patients who suffer from long term illness, such as diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, heart problems or any other condition needing regular follow up will be pleased to know that these check-ups are carried out at the surgery. This saves a lot of unnecessary hospital visiting. Advice on appropriate clinics may be obtained from reception or you may prefer to discuss your particular need with one of the Practice sisters or doctors.

Maternity Care
The Langton Medical Group is pleased to offer care during pregnancy and, where appropriate, delivery. All clinics for the ante-natal and post-natal care are held at the surgery by the Community Midwives who share responsibility for your care with the doctors. Together they will discuss with you appropriate arrangements for delivery. Some patients will need to be booked under consultant care at an appropriate district hospital, while others may be delivered at the midwife run maternity unit at our local hospital in Lichfield.

Minor Surgery
The doctors of The Langton Medical Group are trained and approved to carry out a wide range of minor operations within the Practice. This often saves a considerable wait for hospital clinics and operating lists.

Patients Over 75
An annual check up with your doctor, especially if you have not needed to see a doctor recently, is recommended. Obviously, if you are seeing your doctor on a regular basis, this will not be necessary. If you should become ill, an excellent healthcare team will assist your doctor in caring for you at home. Even if you should need hospital care, in many cases this same team can usually continue to look after you in the local community hospital. Practice doctors also visit a number of local nursing homes.

Teenage Patients
The Langton Medical Group recognises that teenagers may need the opportunity to discuss their health needs in complete confidence.
Practice sisters and doctors are happy to offer advice and encouragement about a healthy lifestyle, as well as an opportunity to discuss sexual health matters, including contraception.